As I arrived in town to do this story on the shutting down of needed services for the poor and homeless, I could not help but notice the strain that it has put on many people in Oklahoma City, even average working people are losing their jobs, losing their homes. and there is now a higher increase of families seeking the services of family shelters. as I look all around Oklahoma City, I can see the loss that people feel. poverty in america is forever increasing, in January we swear in a new president. but even he cannot save an entire nation from poverty. jobs are good to have yes' but it going to take alot more than a job to pull people out of this nasty mess we are in. as I make my way around Oklahoma City, the majority of poor neighborhoods are more and more present. I served in the U.S Navy I have been all over the world. and I am familiar with scenes of poverty. having been to northern africa, southern europe, south america, central mexico, and many other parts of the world. poverty is a demon that will never go away. and it really hurts to see such poverty in my own country, a nation that is supposed to be the richest nation in the world. deny aide to it's own citizens, turning people away from shelters, when it's very cold outside. food that runs short because the need is too great. I have to say that this is just utterly crazy. the problem is not only in Oklahoma City but all across america, the arrogance of city, state and federal officials need to change. I have even challenged government officials to live on the streets for 24 hours just to get an idea of what it feels like to live on the streets. no one has accepted my challenge yet. and while I am in Oklahoma City, I am calling on city council members to do a better job in helping their less fortunate citizens. I have even talked with social service workers, and they have really given me some very sad and shocking stories. social workers blame the government and clients blame the social workers for not doing their jobs. in either case I have discovered that there is alot of finger pointing going on within the system. I see the same thing in seattle. but the lowlife nickels administration needs to be kicked out of office. I never knew that there was so much greed and corruption in our nations levels of government, the recent scandal of the govenor of illinois has created a bad image for the democratic party, this has truly made barack obama's team look very bad.
and here in Oklahoma City there's alot of dirt going on within the social service network. nonprofits are showing favoritism to certain people who they want serve, and deny services to others that qualify for services but agencies will not help them. we speak about discrimination in various areas, and I have seen that discrimination here in Oklahoma City, and this is very sad. agencies that are established to help people are not doing their jobs, and I have seen this sort of thing all across america. this matter most certainly needs to be addressed. plus I think many agencies are pocketing money, they just haven't been caught yet. but eventually they will get caught, and there will be some people doing some serious jail time. I hate to say this but america is a very corrupt nation I hear all of this talk about how righteous america is, buty actually america is no better or different that countries that are ran by a dictatorship. but the world knows this. I need not say more.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
From homeless man to business man by August H Mallory
A homeless man for a very longtime, a homeless man who once saw no end to the tunnel. sleeping under bridges, in alley ways, in the shelters, in and out, sleeping in the cold, in the humidity, but I had the dream to be a business man, I kept my hope to go from homeless man to business man, eating at soup kitchens, which was a notch up than thinking about eating out of a trash can, as I would see people do this, I said to myself no way, this is just too nasty. but my sights were focused on going from homeless man to business man, as my desperation grew, I decided to network with other business people, still living in shelters for a night's sleep, still going to a soup kitchen to get a meal, but I continued to stay focused on going from homeless man to business man, until eventually I did upgrade my status, I went from homeless man to businmessman and as a business I look forward to every morning to own the day, and this is what happens when you go from homeless man to business man,
Foot Stomping in the District of Columbia by August H Mallory
Another trip to Washington DC, as I go to see old friends and meet new friends. I cannot help but Notice how much Washington DC has changed. I make several visits to the newspaper street sense, the national coalition for the homeless, the morning breakfast program miriam's kitchen, the meal program SOME, the dinner program for homeless women, the 801 east men's shelter, the franklin shelter, for which I have been hearing for sometime that the city wants to close. in Washington DC you have alot of downtown businesses where franklin shelter is located, and in the surrounding area of central downtown is where franklin shelter is located and people want to close this shelter, many businesses people claim the shelter residents are creating a hazardous problem for alot of workers in downtown DC.
as I get settled into the district I agree to sell the newspaper street sense again. I was not too thrilled but it was good to see my old customers again. and they were happy to see me. but dealing with a bunch jerk vendors can be a challenge. most of these street sense vendors are terribly rude and disrespectful. so I had to start getting tough with them. street papers were established to help people who are homeless. but in washington DC.
the homeless can really act like real asses at times. they want to try to take over everything, they want to act like they are in charge. when they are not. I have had several shouting matches and near physical conflicts with them. and when I could get out of the office away from these selfish jerks I would.
as homeless people we go through alot, but treating each like total garbage is wrong,
and the homeless know this, but they seem to get a thrill out of this, but it wasn't all work for me, I did manage to visit an old friend at a local night club in town.
it was always a pleasure to see her when I am in town. and I returned to doing flyer distribution for the retail store the dress barn, alot of men are somewhat embarrassed to be working for a woman's clothing store. little do they know. many of the clothes that women wear are designed by men. but as I continue to stay involved on poverty issues, I am now considered by many as an expert on the issue of homelessness and poverty. as I sold street sense in downtown DC there was a female fitness expert flexing and posing in front of me. what was that all about I don't know, but I just continued to sell my newspapers. I spent two months in washington DC. I have to honestly say I did enjoy being back. foot stomoing in the district of columbia, I think I made alot of noise, did y'all hear me talk to you soon
as I get settled into the district I agree to sell the newspaper street sense again. I was not too thrilled but it was good to see my old customers again. and they were happy to see me. but dealing with a bunch jerk vendors can be a challenge. most of these street sense vendors are terribly rude and disrespectful. so I had to start getting tough with them. street papers were established to help people who are homeless. but in washington DC.
the homeless can really act like real asses at times. they want to try to take over everything, they want to act like they are in charge. when they are not. I have had several shouting matches and near physical conflicts with them. and when I could get out of the office away from these selfish jerks I would.
as homeless people we go through alot, but treating each like total garbage is wrong,
and the homeless know this, but they seem to get a thrill out of this, but it wasn't all work for me, I did manage to visit an old friend at a local night club in town.
it was always a pleasure to see her when I am in town. and I returned to doing flyer distribution for the retail store the dress barn, alot of men are somewhat embarrassed to be working for a woman's clothing store. little do they know. many of the clothes that women wear are designed by men. but as I continue to stay involved on poverty issues, I am now considered by many as an expert on the issue of homelessness and poverty. as I sold street sense in downtown DC there was a female fitness expert flexing and posing in front of me. what was that all about I don't know, but I just continued to sell my newspapers. I spent two months in washington DC. I have to honestly say I did enjoy being back. foot stomoing in the district of columbia, I think I made alot of noise, did y'all hear me talk to you soon
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Feared by society, Feared by one another, The Black Male Crisis story by August H Mallory
Just recently I was watching the news cast of the Acquittal of three police detectives involved in the shooting and killing of Sean Bell in New York, black men in america have been feared by american society since the days of slavery, we did not ask to come to america, white men on slave ships brought us here and since that time black men have been faced with the being ridiculed by white society and our own communities,
a black man can go into a retail store and automatically he is viewed as a thief and a criminal, just because he is not dressed in a fancy suit and tie and crrying a brief case, he is donned the perfect criminal,
a white man can go into the same store, probaly dressed in business attire and wind up ripping off everything in sight, and he is not noticed.
a white can walk into any shopping mall and not be bothered, but when a black man walks in a place in casual dress he automatically stopped and ask may we help you.
they employees just right away that he is there to rip them off. black men are often targets of discrimination by other blacks in america, and although many well to do black people will straight up deny this fact. but discrimination amongst blacks do exist. alopt of times when many black men will simply try to hold a friendly conversation with a black female, automatically she will assume the black man wants to get in her pants, and she will immediately go on the defensive against him. but will be truly relaxed if a white male were to talk to her, she will even tell all of her personal life to a white person. when a black man walks down the street and see a black woman coming towards him she will turn her face away from him. but will smile very boldly if it were a white male coming her way. yes' I will admit black men do in fact have a dirty mouth, and a loud mouth at that. maybe this is why society fears us as individuals. but not every black male has a loud and dirty mouth,
and not every is a criminal, and even if they did have criminal backgrounds, they do have rights. just as many rights anyone else.
the conflict that goes on between many black men has to do alot with the persuasive attitudes of white men. many men show favoritism between blacks, just because one black may dress or speak better than another black they figure they will associate their time with that individual, and the black that they just kicked to the curb will probaly have a better background and is more knowledgable of things than the person that they just selected. many whites have this idea that if you dress in a proper way . you are less embarassing to be around. they don't have to feel ashamed to associate themselves with you. and this very mindset have set into the minds of black people.
and this where the fear and the hate towards one another sets in.
rich white society has caused the hate and violence that face many in the black community. and when black people kill and hurt one another, every racist group loves this. why do they love this' because they want to get rid of every black in america,
and what better way to do this than have every black turn against each other. shoot, stab and rape our women, bring in the drugs, and watch the dogs kill each other.
and this is the way that it has been for generations.
a black man can go into a retail store and automatically he is viewed as a thief and a criminal, just because he is not dressed in a fancy suit and tie and crrying a brief case, he is donned the perfect criminal,
a white man can go into the same store, probaly dressed in business attire and wind up ripping off everything in sight, and he is not noticed.
a white can walk into any shopping mall and not be bothered, but when a black man walks in a place in casual dress he automatically stopped and ask may we help you.
they employees just right away that he is there to rip them off. black men are often targets of discrimination by other blacks in america, and although many well to do black people will straight up deny this fact. but discrimination amongst blacks do exist. alopt of times when many black men will simply try to hold a friendly conversation with a black female, automatically she will assume the black man wants to get in her pants, and she will immediately go on the defensive against him. but will be truly relaxed if a white male were to talk to her, she will even tell all of her personal life to a white person. when a black man walks down the street and see a black woman coming towards him she will turn her face away from him. but will smile very boldly if it were a white male coming her way. yes' I will admit black men do in fact have a dirty mouth, and a loud mouth at that. maybe this is why society fears us as individuals. but not every black male has a loud and dirty mouth,
and not every is a criminal, and even if they did have criminal backgrounds, they do have rights. just as many rights anyone else.
the conflict that goes on between many black men has to do alot with the persuasive attitudes of white men. many men show favoritism between blacks, just because one black may dress or speak better than another black they figure they will associate their time with that individual, and the black that they just kicked to the curb will probaly have a better background and is more knowledgable of things than the person that they just selected. many whites have this idea that if you dress in a proper way . you are less embarassing to be around. they don't have to feel ashamed to associate themselves with you. and this very mindset have set into the minds of black people.
and this where the fear and the hate towards one another sets in.
rich white society has caused the hate and violence that face many in the black community. and when black people kill and hurt one another, every racist group loves this. why do they love this' because they want to get rid of every black in america,
and what better way to do this than have every black turn against each other. shoot, stab and rape our women, bring in the drugs, and watch the dogs kill each other.
and this is the way that it has been for generations.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
From a writers view of the American workforce-By August H Mallory
As I write this story, I am somehow drawn to the notion that as I continue through my writing career, I have written many, many things. I write about people things and things that happen. I write about the cities that I have visited. I have written about my past experiences about my growing up. about my life in the military, and the high level of discrimination. and even now as I am now in the civilian workforce. there is a lot of favoritism in many companies. these days in order to get promoted, it is now about who you know, not what you know, you can have all the knowledge of a job in the world. but if you are not well favored in the workforce you can pretty much forget about moving up the ladder.
I have discovered that where there are alot of minorities, there will be alot of negative attitudes and extreme hostility, I have also discovered that I am usually better qualified to supervise a group, than those who have supervised over me.
but as I keep my pace in the workforce, I still see favoritism. I still see other members of my own race showing extreme dislike for each other on one issue or reason or another. from my view of the american workforce I can honestly say that, the american workforce SUCKS' and although it is true that we as americans are on the job to do a job, but all of the hostility and hate towards another employee or subordinate is truly unfair. I have been embarassed in public. chewed out in front of a group of people.
and the supervisors just boasted and bragged as if it was a prize trophy. but the funny thing was, those supervisors never got a promotion for doing such a thing. so what was the point, what were they trying to prove by berating me in front of a group of people. I may never get an answer on that one. this sort of thing is a form of work place bullying. there should be laws against this sort of thing.
there are laws against animal cruelty, but not human cruelty, and this needs to change.
I have discovered that where there are alot of minorities, there will be alot of negative attitudes and extreme hostility, I have also discovered that I am usually better qualified to supervise a group, than those who have supervised over me.
but as I keep my pace in the workforce, I still see favoritism. I still see other members of my own race showing extreme dislike for each other on one issue or reason or another. from my view of the american workforce I can honestly say that, the american workforce SUCKS' and although it is true that we as americans are on the job to do a job, but all of the hostility and hate towards another employee or subordinate is truly unfair. I have been embarassed in public. chewed out in front of a group of people.
and the supervisors just boasted and bragged as if it was a prize trophy. but the funny thing was, those supervisors never got a promotion for doing such a thing. so what was the point, what were they trying to prove by berating me in front of a group of people. I may never get an answer on that one. this sort of thing is a form of work place bullying. there should be laws against this sort of thing.
there are laws against animal cruelty, but not human cruelty, and this needs to change.
Friday, February 1, 2008
you are authorized to view this page - {m}iguel
Today is {m}y 1st day volunteering @ real change as a "Basic Computer Skills Tutor". August is sitting right next to me, watching youtube and pat benatar's "love is a battlefield" is stuck in my head.
I am the eldest child of 5 in a family of 8, 3 gunslingers, one lady and the worlds most beautiful pug, el noobers. We kids are the 1st generation born in the United States of America. My parents are still married.
I love red wine and delicious samwiches. My official motto for 2000-8 is Delicious Foods First or DFF! for short.
Today also marks the six month anniversary of my exodus from the state of Az. I touched down in Seattle on September 11th, the safest day to fly in the last six years, with no id and 53 cents in my pocket. Previously I was in San Francisco, couch surfing with close friends in the Outer Sunset, Mission, Castro and Richmond districts plus El Cerrito.
below is the latest comic from one of my favorite online comics
I am the eldest child of 5 in a family of 8, 3 gunslingers, one lady and the worlds most beautiful pug, el noobers. We kids are the 1st generation born in the United States of America. My parents are still married.
I love red wine and delicious samwiches. My official motto for 2000-8 is Delicious Foods First or DFF! for short.
Today also marks the six month anniversary of my exodus from the state of Az. I touched down in Seattle on September 11th, the safest day to fly in the last six years, with no id and 53 cents in my pocket. Previously I was in San Francisco, couch surfing with close friends in the Outer Sunset, Mission, Castro and Richmond districts plus El Cerrito.
below is the latest comic from one of my favorite online comics

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