Saturday, April 26, 2008

Feared by society, Feared by one another, The Black Male Crisis story by August H Mallory

Just recently I was watching the news cast of the Acquittal of three police detectives involved in the shooting and killing of Sean Bell in New York, black men in america have been feared by american society since the days of slavery, we did not ask to come to america, white men on slave ships brought us here and since that time black men have been faced with the being ridiculed by white society and our own communities,
a black man can go into a retail store and automatically he is viewed as a thief and a criminal, just because he is not dressed in a fancy suit and tie and crrying a brief case, he is donned the perfect criminal,
a white man can go into the same store, probaly dressed in business attire and wind up ripping off everything in sight, and he is not noticed.
a white can walk into any shopping mall and not be bothered, but when a black man walks in a place in casual dress he automatically stopped and ask may we help you.
they employees just right away that he is there to rip them off. black men are often targets of discrimination by other blacks in america, and although many well to do black people will straight up deny this fact. but discrimination amongst blacks do exist. alopt of times when many black men will simply try to hold a friendly conversation with a black female, automatically she will assume the black man wants to get in her pants, and she will immediately go on the defensive against him. but will be truly relaxed if a white male were to talk to her, she will even tell all of her personal life to a white person. when a black man walks down the street and see a black woman coming towards him she will turn her face away from him. but will smile very boldly if it were a white male coming her way. yes' I will admit black men do in fact have a dirty mouth, and a loud mouth at that. maybe this is why society fears us as individuals. but not every black male has a loud and dirty mouth,
and not every is a criminal, and even if they did have criminal backgrounds, they do have rights. just as many rights anyone else.
the conflict that goes on between many black men has to do alot with the persuasive attitudes of white men. many men show favoritism between blacks, just because one black may dress or speak better than another black they figure they will associate their time with that individual, and the black that they just kicked to the curb will probaly have a better background and is more knowledgable of things than the person that they just selected. many whites have this idea that if you dress in a proper way . you are less embarassing to be around. they don't have to feel ashamed to associate themselves with you. and this very mindset have set into the minds of black people.
and this where the fear and the hate towards one another sets in.
rich white society has caused the hate and violence that face many in the black community. and when black people kill and hurt one another, every racist group loves this. why do they love this' because they want to get rid of every black in america,
and what better way to do this than have every black turn against each other. shoot, stab and rape our women, bring in the drugs, and watch the dogs kill each other.
and this is the way that it has been for generations.

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