Saturday, October 20, 2007

Walking through the shadows of the row

It is a very cold and chilly saturday morning in downtown seattle washington, and as I am now wide awake and watching clients come out of the shelters, and many who have chosen to go to the many churches to seek shelter from the cold. people would ask what is the row,
this is the short version meaning skidrow, the term used to describe drunken, alcoholic men lying about in doorways and alleyways, drug user who are on another planet as they smoke up, shoot up, or snort up. looking ragged and beaten down, who now have been given the title homeless or bum.
do you not see what is happeniing around you. do you not care, as you walk from place to place, as you see homeless people lying around and about. do you not have some sense of concern. if your sons or daughters were in such a situation. would you not care. walking through the shadows of the row. for a new generation of homeless times have definately changed. the typical alcoholic on the streets has been pushed to the back of the bus so to speak. the crack smoker, the pothead, is now the issue of the new homeless on the street. as defined by many who are uneducated on the issues.
walking through the shadows of the row. as I see faces change, but the same attitudes and arrogance remains, when will the homeless themselves begin to see the true light on their lifestyles. I have been dealing with the homeless for many years, I have contacted public officials, and I can pretty much tell you that many council people do not give a hoot about the homeless. here4 in seattle, we have council people who are problem drinkers, wife beaters, and god only knows what else. little do these very people know that they are very close to becoming homeless themselves unless, there is a safety net to catch them, walking through the shadows of the row. I have talked with state representatives, but I have yet to see anything come about in their promises. when we elect a person to be our nations leaders, do they really care. do they really see the true problem of what has really happened in the the lives of the individual.
walking through the shadows of the row. many people have been homeless for ten or twenty years. what of their lives. but then many also choose to be homeless, so how do we get them to realize that it is not all bad to be apart of society. and that we all must do our part.
It is very frustrating to deal with life many times, so many people say to hell with this and walk away from it all.
It has happened so many times in life and it still continues to happen. walking through the shadows of the row.

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