Saturday, October 20, 2007

are we people or animals by August H Mallory

It is not a very pretty thing when you are down and out. but when you are homeless america can be a very unfriendly place to live in. having to live the experience I can tell you that being homeless can be the pitfall of having to make it in america. people look at the homeless as stupid, dumb, crazy, and aggressively violent. I will admit that mental illness ranges high within the ranks of the homeless, but we are people, not animals, I have written a number of state representatives nationwide to provide more funding to assist the poor and homeless, but it all boils down to the problem in Iraq, and this is where all of the money is going. so there is very little or nothing for those who are homeless. it gets to be very tiresome to keep hounding state representatives about the issue of homelessness, but they need to be aware about the matter that faces their districts.

I do often find time to travel to a city from time to time to talk to people who are homeless in other cities, juist see how wellthat city fares with other cities across america when it comes to serving their poor. but I still ask are we people or animals, in this cruel society that doesn't give a damn about the the less fortunate individuals that surround them.
I have been to many cities across america, and I can honestly say that the homeless are being treated like absolute dirt. as a real change vendor and advocate for the homeless. I took up this cause because I got sick and tired of the poor being treated like last nights trash. many people think that being homeless is a laughing matter, but I want to challenge those very people who laugh at the homeless, those very people who make threats of death to the homeless, I want to challenge them now.
take the urban plunge, which is held in washington DC every year. and you will be asking yourself, are we people or animals. there's this constant hate that the homeless hold for one another. there is so much hate and discrimination even in the ranks of the homeless. it is not a racial thing, because in my experience of being homeless, and being african american, I have seen hate and prejudice within my own group. it is not a thing of race although many african americans will use the race card. but the truth to the matter, is that african americans have such a self hate for themselves that when we fall in such a critical situation we cannot handle it in many cases. so the question remains are we people or animals? what is your take on this.

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